Sunday, November 18, 2007

Host Months

Hi Girls:
Here are the months we discussed at last Friday's Bunco. Some of the dates are not the 2nd Friday as they fall on school breaks and first weeks of school and what not. Please add these dates to your calendar. I will also attach the spreadsheet when I get to school.

If the host will send me the directions to thier house about a week before, I will post so everyone can see.

Remember if you had a sub this month- you need to bring $10 to Candy. If you want to pre-pay there are envelopes to put your $5 in for each month.

Everone else just brings $5(Please bring cash) to pay for January bunco at Beth P.'s house. You paid for December at November's Bunco so you are paying for the month in advance. We do this so the pot will not be short and the next hostess does not have to track anyone down to make them pay.

Remember if you need a sub for the month, please send the $5 with them or pay the next hostess before the night. :) This way it is fair for everyone!

December 12/14 Candy Spearrow
January 1/11/08 Beth P
February 2/8/08 Rachel Stafford
March 3/7/08 Sherry Scheuring
April 4/25/08 Kathleen Lopez
May 5/16/08 Tiffaney Gardner
June Skip
July Skip
August 8/22/08 Stephanie Thomson
September 9/12/08 Brigitte Means
October 10/3/07 Nancy Jones
November 11/14/08 Cassie Alber
December 12/12/08 Elizabeth Baker

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